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DESIGNATOR, a cutting-edge product of Percy Lau Studio, stands out as a valuable tool for the fashion industry, offering an intuitive and efficient solution for content generation, product design, and lookbook creation.

Stable diffusion based, AI-powered features enable fashion professionals to express their unique style, reduce reliance on traditional fashion shoots, and streamline their creative processes.

  • Visual-driven and foolproof easy to use:
  • Reduces manpower in fashion shoots:
  • Sophisticated knowledge on aesthetic:
  • Accurate generation of creative features:

1.DESIGNATOR's interface is visually-driven and user-friendly, designed for a seamless and intuitive experience for fashion professionals to generate high-quality content without any hassle or steep learning curve.

No infringement risk

Our extensive database of professional industry photographers who have authorised DESIGNATOR's AI to study and train models from their photography work. We reinforce our commitment to legality, quality, and industry relevance. Our access to this wealth of visual content ensures that the generated content aligns with industry standards, providing users with a valuable resource for inspiration and collaboration while minimising any copyright or infringement concerns.

Stable diffusion based, AI-powered features enable fashion professionals to express their unique style, reduce reliance on traditional fashion shoots, and streamline their creative processes.


  • Access to a vast database

    Utilise a vast database of professional photography as inspiration for AI algorithms that generate high-quality fashion content reflecting industry standards and aesthetics.

  • Authorised and legal usage

    We source all training models from authorised photographers, operating within legal boundaries of copyright and IP rights. By ensuring the photographers' consent, the platform mitigates any risks of infringement and establishes a legitimate foundation for generating content.

  • Industry-relevant training

    DESIGNATOR's models are trained on industry photographers' work. The AI algorithms learn from experts to understand fashion trends, standards, and visual language. DESIGNATOR generates content that aligns with the industry's aesthetic sensibilities.

  • Quality and credibility

    Designator's usage of authorised photography work enhances the quality and credibility of its generated content by allowing its AI to learn from established photographers about composition, lighting, posing, and other essential elements that contribute to high-quality fashion imagery.